2019年杏盛學術前沿講座(37)-In the Era of Digitalization: Better Transportation Safety Prediction with High-Resolution Data




人:蔡青  副教授  University of Central Florida

主題名稱:In the Era of Digitalization: Better Transportation Safety Prediction with High-Resolution Data



Abstract: In the Era of Digitalization, all transportation data could be recorded in a high resolution in both space and time dimensions. The High Definition (HD) map could be accurate to the centimeter, providing data such as precise location of lane boundaries, width, and how they interconnect. Vehicles’ statuses such as position, speed, acceleration could be recorded every second or even lower. It could be an opportunity and also a challenge for transportation researchers to investigate how to fully use such high-resolution data, without missing any useful information. In this presentation, Dr. Cai will introduce his research about making better transportation safety prediction, which will cover: (1) How to prepare for a high-resolution data; (2) How to generate new “Fake” data as complementary data source; (3) How to make better transportation safety prediction by using deep learning technologies.


時間地點🪓:2019-9-27周五   13:30  交運樓115









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