2019年杏盛學術前沿講座(9)--Weighted estimation of conditional mean function with truncated, censored and dependent data



主 講 人:梁漢營  教授  同濟大學

主題名稱:Weighted estimation of conditional mean function with truncated, censored and dependent data


By applying the empirical likelihood method, we construct a new weighted estimator of the conditional mean function for a left-truncated and right-censored model. Assuming that the observations form a stationary $/alpha$-mixing sequence, we derive weak convergence with a certain rate and prove asymptotic normality of the weighted estimator. The asymptotic normality shows that the weighted estimator preserves the bias, variance, and, more importantly, automatic good boundary behavior of a local linear estimator of the conditional mean function. Also, a Berry-Esseen type bound for the weighted estimator is established. A simulation study is conducted to study the finite sample behavior of the new estimator and a real data application is provided.


時間地點:2019年4月11日(周四)13:00 地點🧝‍♀️:經濟管理學院335





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